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Krucial Kollective

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Keeping Up with the Krew: Hilary
It’s not often that a person can examine a choice from their life and say with certainty that it was simultaneously the best and worst decision they ever made. Hilary Seale is one of those people.
Respiratory Care Week
During Respiratory Care Week we wanted to put a spotlight on the amazing work of the 100,000+ Respiratory Therapists across the country. So, we did what anyone would do – we asked Krucial Reservists, and they gave us insightful answers. Take a look and Enjoy!
BLS Basics: How to Quickly Acquire Your BLS Certification
Since nearly every position in healthcare requires a BLS certification, knowing your BLS basics is important for you and your coworkers. Learning how to acquire your BLS quickly can save you time and be the difference in you getting a position over someone else.
Beginner’s Guide to Healthcare Contracts
Travel is enjoyed and pursued by many, but few people have the chance at a career that allows them to travel as part of their job. For those working in the healthcare field, they know that travel and work can go hand in hand.
Keeping Up with the Krew: Katie
Prior to joining Krucial as a KOR, Katie was the director of food and beverage at a hotel chain. After being furloughed in March of 2020, it was a short time before Katie was itching for a new routine outside the walls of her home.   
The Vital Role of Nurses During Wartime
Nurses were not always seen as an essential part of the battlefield. Prior to World War I, many nurses, and the women who filled those roles, offered their help on a volunteer basis with no organization to represent them.
Keeping Up with the Krew: Hillory
The desire to join the medical field typically stems from a family full of medical professionals or those who have a close connection with someone in the medical field at an early age. However, this is not the case for Hillory.
The Evolution of Krucial Rapid Response
If there’s one word to describe Krucial’s history, it is evolution. The company we were on our first deployment in 2011 is not the same company that helped staff the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and even then, we’re not that version of Krucial anymore.
Keeping Up with the Krew: Sheila
Sheila immigrated to the United States from Central Africa back in 2002, quickly noticing the positive impact healthcare workers have on their community. This is when she began her journey to pursue a career in the healthcare field, eventually earning her nursing degree and license in 2012.
Keeping Up with the Krew: Kayla
After seeing Hurricane Katrina, Kayla told herself that if the opportunity ever came up again to serve others on a grand scale in a natural disaster, she was going to volunteer.
Keeping Up with the Krew: Erika
Erika, a registered nurse, has been a dialysis nurse for over a decade and a mother-baby nurse for almost four years. When Krucial was founded, Erika was one of the first Reservists to deploy.
2022 National Nurses Week Discounts
In 1990, the American Nurses Association (ANA) established National Nurses Week, kicking it off with National Nurses Day on May 6 and ending it on Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12.
Keeping Up with the Krew: William
One day he knew his time in the military would end, but William knew he would not be happy unless he was helping other people. For William, the best way he felt he could do that was in healthcare.
Keeping Up with the Krew: Tricia
Tricia, a medical-surgical nurse, found herself furloughed in April 2020, as elective procedures (non-emergency surgeries) came to a screeching halt in the aftermath of the United States lockdown.
Compassion Fatigue: What is it and Ways to Cope
Compassion fatigue, also known as secondary traumatic stress or vicarious trauma, stems from working in a field where you are helping or caring for other people, and the trauma or stress experienced by your patients starts to emotionally overwhelm you and affect your personal life.
How to Integrate Active Leisure into your Daily Routine
Watching television, scrolling through social media, or playing video games are all sedentary activities, and what psychologists categorize as passive leisure. While these outlets do help us decompress, heavily relying on these inactive past times to unwind does little to benefit our mental and physical health in the long term.
Medical Professional Gift Guide
Let’s be honest. Some of us are endowed with the art of gift-giving, and some of us…struggle, to put it nicely. Our natural talent in this department either makes holiday shopping a daydream or an absolute nightmare.
Thank You Krucial Krew
As the whirlwind of the Covid pandemic gradually comes to a long-awaited end, we at Krucial feel it’s necessary to extend a formal thank you to all our fantastic staff members.