
Packing a Go Bag for a Deployment with Krucial Rapid Response

By: Maria Burns

As any veteran travel medical personnel understands, packing the perfect “Go-Bag” is a must for emergency deployments. If you are gone for a minimum of 14 days in a different city caring for patients, you should come prepared.

We took to Instagram to ask you – our outstanding Krucial Krew members – what items you absolutely cannot live without during an emergency assignment. Boy, did we enjoy reading the answers!

Among the most popular responses were common “must-haves” such as a mask, scrubs, comfortable shoes, and proper identification.

Our Krew also gave us a chuckle along the way by replying with some not-so-obvious items as well. Many Krew members suggested packing the adequate number of undergarments for those “just in case” moments when life gets busy, and you need a clean pair.

A few other “essentials” included peppermint oil, a coffee maker, peanut butter, Siracha sauce, laundry detergent, and a Brita water filter.

We enjoyed reading the responses and are thankful they were both practical and funny. We want to ensure all our Krew members come prepared, so here is a list of the most popular items your fellow Krew members suggested.

  1. Go-Bag Packing List:
    At least a week’s worth of scrubs
  2. Comfortable shoes
    Proper I-9 Identification (Driver’s License, Social Security Card, Passport, etc.)
  3. Blank check for direct deposit
  4. Immunization Records
  5. Plenty of Masks
  6. Toiletries (shampoo, body wash, toothbrush and paste, etc.)
  7. Money
  8. Electronics and chargers
  9. Snacks
  10. Vitamins and Medicine
  11. First-Aid Kit
  12. Flashlight
  13. Feminine Products
  14. Headphones
  15. Photos of friends and family
  16. Pen and Paper for notes

Hopefully, after reading this information, you will be prepared for your next assignment with Krucial Rapid Response. Whether it’s your first or fifth deployment, it is vital to have a well-packed go-bag for your deployment. This list will have you ready to work hard and save lives!

As any veteran travel medical personnel understands, packing the perfect “Go-Bag” is a must for emergency deployments. If you are gone for a minimum of 14 days in a different city caring for patients, you should come prepared.

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